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Health & Safety Statement

1.1. Introduction
Blue Saffron Ltd. t/a Dangan Group take all reasonable steps to secure and maintain the health, safety and welfare of all employees, contractors, visitors, and members of the public who may be affected by our activities.

As a management team our objective is to maximize the wellbeing of each employee and their potential to contribute to achieving the core organizational values. It is our policy and overall aim to educate each employee in safe working practices and through this education it is envisaged that the employees will work in a safe manner whether immediate supervision is present.


1.2. Policy Statement and Commitment
Safety is a core value within our group and safe working is an integral part of how we plan, organize, and undertake our organizational activities and operations.
To do this Blue Saffron Ltd. t/a Dangan Group is committed to:
• Providing a safe place of work, including safe access and egress
• Providing safe plant and equipment, articles, and substances
• Providing safe systems of work
• Providing suitable office welfare facilities, rest areas, water, etc
• Providing appropriate information, instruction, training, and supervision
• Determining and implementing appropriate preventative and protective measures
• Following the general principles of prevention
• Providing and practicing plans for foreseeable emergencies
• Keeping abreast of current legislation
• Obtaining, when necessary, the advice of a competent person on health and safety matters.
• Reporting prescribed accidents and dangerous occurrences to the Health and Safety Authority

The detailed arrangements for achieving these objectives are set out in the main body of the Safety Statement. We are committed to managing and conducting our work activities in such a way as to prevent, in so far as is reasonably practicable, any improper conduct or behaviour likely to put the safety, health and welfare of our employees, contractors, visitors or any individual affected by the organization’s activities, at risk.


This Safety Statement requires the co-operation of all Blue Saffron Ltd. t/a Dangan Group employees, contractors, visitors, and others to enable us to discharge their legislative responsibilities.

Blue Saffron Ltd. t/a Dangan Group is committed to upholding the standards as required by current legislation and appropriate resources are made available to management and staff to maintain these health and safety standards.

All Blue Saffron Ltd. t/a Dangan Group management, employees, contractors, visitors have both a collective and individual legal responsibility to co-operate in implementing Blue Saffron Ltd. t/a Dangan Group safety policies and standards.


Brian Whelan
Managing Director
July 2023